for joyful encouragement: @annalisavsawtell

Speaking Through Art: A Testimony of God's Faithfulness

Speaking Through Art: A Testimony of God's Faithfulness

The beauty of walking with Jesus is that he fills our life with more goodness than we could ever ask or imagine—and whether you’re of the vein that this beauty is ours to behold on this side of eternity or the next—the fact remains: our lives are imbued with the abundance of a Creator who loves us graciously, provides for us amply, and hears us faithfully.

This past week, I was gifted the opportunity to share with a group of women about the beauty of walking with Jesus. Using Isaiah 55:8-13 as a guide, this audience and I walked through a decadent piece of Scripture that describes the supremacy of God’s ways and their power to bring life from barrenness, or better said: to bring forth flowers where thorns used to grow.

I knew no better way to depict this than with an image that has been planted in my heart and mind for years… an image of a flourishing eternal garden soaked in the warmth of the dawn, indicative of God’s faithful care and the loving presence of Jesus, surrounding us both in the present moment and on into eternity.

This is where things get interesting: I finished the painting, but as I was planning my talk, I kept coming up short. No draft "felt right”. I sought the Lord using every tool in my tool belt from solitude to spiritual disciplines to wise mentors, but consistently as I asked the Lord to help me with my talk, I simply had the impression that he would be working on it until the very end.

It was the week of my talk, and I was about eight drafts deep, and still pulled a million different directions. I asked the Lord once more, “Jesus, what do you want to speak to these women?!” That’s when I heard the faintest, sweetest whisper in my heart respond, “I already spoke it through the painting.” Woah. That surprised me.

Time went on, and through the support of loving leadership, I was able to produce a talk I felt good about. But nothing would prepare me for the surprise God had in store for the actual event.

Understanding that this painting was a significant call from the Lord for this event, I asked God the morning of my talk what he wanted me to share about the painting, specifically. “It will speak for itself,” was the whisper I heard in response.

The day of the event came and I gave my talk. I unveiled the painting and a deep, sweeping inhale filled the room. To my surprise, applause ensued. In that moment I knew it was true: God had plans for this painting.

Immediately following my talk, I was approached by a women in tears who said, “I can’t put into words what happened when you unveiled the painting, but God broke through to my heart.” Minutes later, another women came up to me with tears in her eyes as she looked at the painting, and said, “I just can’t describe it… but the moment you unveiled it, God just really spoke to me.”

Yet another woman followed, telling me her entire table was brought to tears when the painting was unveiled. None of them could quite articulate what happened,  just that their hearts were swept up into the image. Nobody seemed to “have the words"… but I think I know what happened for it was exactly what I believe God told me would come to be: He was speaking directly to people’s hearts through the artwork. 

Woman after woman came up to me with individual stories of what God did for them through that painting—describing things I never could have imagined despite being the one who painted it. 

I will never again question God’s ability to speak through artwork, or my calling to make his goodness known through art. I feel deeply honored to be a vessel of the Lord, simply observing his work being accomplished through me.

I will list the painting soon, along with art prints for purchase and a coinciding writing.

But for now, I hope you enjoyed this testimony of God’s faithfulness. I am grateful you’ve decided to come along for the ride, being a part of the email list—as I continue to share creative work that the world may know God is good and grace is real. Praise Him!

The Beauty of Walking with Jesus: Steps Through Isaiah 55:8-13

The Beauty of Walking with Jesus: Steps Through Isaiah 55:8-13

A Love-Begotten Love: Transformed Into the Father's Image (1 John)

A Love-Begotten Love: Transformed Into the Father's Image (1 John)